Tuesday, 16 April 2013

I must be crazy....

So hubby has a car problem. He buys & sells cars like there's no tomorrow. Every time he says the same thing - 'this car is perfect, i won't have to do anything to it, oh maybe just xyx, but I'll keep it for AGES!'  12 months, sometimes less, down the track he's sick of that car. Best sell it, get a new one. Everyone knows (generally speaking) cars are not an investment. You lose money on cars. He is no exception. I dread to think how much we've spent on transfer fees, as well as money lost buying & selling cars in the past 9 years.
Dear old hubby gets home from deployment and says 'i think i want to sell my car'. The car he has had for 12 months, that was PERFECT! Sigh. I play along. I get bitten in the arse. Tonight he finds the new PERFECT car online, 1600km away. The same car as what he has now but with a few fancy extras, and in his favourite colour. His car is currently for sale. For sale - not sold.
Crazy me agrees to let him buy this 'perfect' car, which needs absolutely nothing done to it 'i swear'. That's not even the craziest part. The craziest part is he is flying down tomorrow night, leaving me at home with the 2 kids ON MY OWN for 2 whole nights - may as well say 3 factoring in eta home. Holy crapballs, how am i going to survive?! Mr 2 going on 12 & mr 3 weeks... my first time on my own overnight with both of them. Im a bit terrified!
But we'll have a perfect shiny purple car, so is not all bad ;)  A shiny purple car hubby is keeping until the boys are in high school!!!

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