Monday, 7 March 2016

The assessment merry-go-round

I know it has been quite literally years since the last update on Mr J. He is 3 in a few weeks, and there has been a lot going on since the last post op update.

He has been receiving regular speech therapy, hearing tests every couple of months, and the biggest thing is in August 2015 he had his palate re-repaired. This surgery could not have been more different to his first operation! The surgery itself from about 4hrs, his palate was removed and completely redone. He had new grommets put it. After the first operation with the awful recovery we expected the worst. One thing we didn't have to deal with this time was breastfeeding/expressing, as he self weaned just after his second birthday. We also only ended up staying one night in hospital. One night! Compared to the horrendous week the first time!

This re-repair has been a compare success, so far. We are  still facing speech challenges, however his progress over the last 3 months has been amazing.

Today we had a follow up with the speechies at the hospital, and they were blown away by his improvement. How hearing test today came back 'almost normal'. This is fantastic! His speech is still a fair way behind where it should be for his age, but he has come so far.

Hopefully these improvements mean that the pressure is easing, he requires less intervention and running around for appointments. Hopefully it also means he'll be ready for kindy next year!

It has clearly been a big morning, he has fallen asleep on the train :)

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Stuff Sam Says...the archive

Since Mr S started speaking he has come out with some really interesting comments, as kids do. Having a conversation with him you just never know whats going to come out of his mouth! Occasionally these conversations and observations have made it onto Facebook, so now, I give you the archive, enjoy!


Sam to Joey: sorry Joey *mumbles under his breath* sorry you're a jerk

Hey mum, I think Dexter needs a jumper. Like the girl sitting next him, you know, Moo Moo ‪#‎stuffsamsays

Hey mum, if we get cold and then we might freeze and then a stranger will chop us up like a puzzle.Not you and daddy, just me and Jojo

Sam (whilst playing with my hair): hey mum, there's some white hair back here!

'mum, when I'm the man I will go on the plane like daddy and I will help people. The people at the pool (nepal) got their houses and shops all squashed and they fell down, so I'll go and help them get new houses, coz I'm the man ok mummy. Then they'll be happy. How does that sound? '

Hey mum, you know those treats we gave you? I think me and Jojo need to have some, ok? They're in the fridge. I know where they are...

Hey mum, I'm wearing your slippers. I have one on my hand and one on my foot. You know what that means mum? It means I'm a camel! And because I'm wearing your slippers it means I'm the boss ok!

Sam: Mum, what's for dinner?
Me: chicken and veggies
Sam: ok. You can make veggies. I'm not eating them, but you can make them.

Me: hey Sam, guess what?
Sam: what?
Me: I love you
Sam: oh, is that all? I thought it was something important

Hey mummy, I'm a big boy right? So that means really I'm a little grown up. I'm nearly a grown up if you think about it!

Sam: what are you making mummy?
Me: soup. Are you going to try some?
Sam: nah, I already had some before
Me: when?!
Sam: at my old house. In Townsville. I don't need more.
Apparently he's done with soup for life because he had a spoonful once ðŸ˜‚

Sam: you know what I'm really good at mummy?
Me: what's that Sam?
Sam: I'm really good at telling you what I want you to do. But mummy, you're not very good at doing what I tell you to. But it's ok, you keep practicing. If you practice then you can be good at doing what I say, ok?
Me:... Or not...

Sam is a wise old soul... In the car today:
Sam: Mum, I think you shouldn't say can't. If you say you can't then you really can't. I think you should just do it and don't say that then you can. Maybe you can if you don't say you can't, you just have to try.

Sam: you know mum, I think we need another baby so I have 2 brothers
Me: pardon??!!!
Sam: well actually I think I need 2 brothers. That's all.
Me: sorry buddy. Not happening. No no no!

Sam: can we move here (Tas), I like the beach. Qld doesn't have beaches :(

Sam: mum, what did you make?
Me: scones
Sam: like crust ons (croissants)?
Me: no, just scones
Sam: I'm pretty sure you're saying it wrong mummy. It's crust ons. Crust ons! Oh, and they're not the right shape for crust ons... Grandma's crust ons don't look like that.
Me: that's because they're scones...

Me: oh it looks a bit windy and grey outside Sam. Maybe it'll rain.
Sam: just because it's windy it doesn't mean it'll rain mum. *pause* but yes. It might be a storm.

Me: Sam, can you help pack up please?
Sam: um, no, I can't. I ran out of petrol *stands like a statue*

Sam: what's for dinner mum?
Me: aaah...
Sam: actually, don't worry. Whatever it is I don't like it. I'm not eating it

Mummy, I know what person I am now, but when I get my tonsils out I don't know what person I'll be then. Do you think I'll still have eyebrows?

Me: Sam, please stop throwing dirt
Sam: I have an answer for you. Don't look at me then
Me: just because I'm not looking doesn't mean you can keep doing it!
Sam: yeah it does. If you don't like it then just don't look

Sam: I love all you way to the end of the rainbow mummy

Reading a book about elephants to Sam and talking about conservation and protection from bad people killing them...
Sam: well just tell the elephants to go into an elephant tree house and lock the door, then the bad guys can't get them!
Me: next time you see an elephant you tell him that!
Sam: or you can just tell the bad guys to stop it, and I'll tell the elephants to hide... I think I could be a conservationist and save the elephants. I don't want them to be instinct (extinct).

You know what Santa really loves mummy? Like really really loves? Pies. Santa really loves pies. And maybe water.

Sam choose himself a new singlet at kmart...
'mum, this outfit is a bit fancy, I think it will be perfect for taking daddy to the airport, and getting bacon!'

An hour past his bedtime, and he says 'I just really love you, but I'm not really here, it's just my body, it wanted to cuddle you'
How do I turn that down?!

Me: what are you drawing Sam?
Sam: I'm writing, and you can't see. It's only for boys. No girls allowed!

Just can't win - Sam pesters me for cheesecake for morning tea. We all have a lovely morning tea, until..
Sam: mum, you did the wrong thing.
Me: what?!
Sam: morning tea should be healthy food. Cheesecake isn't healthy food. So you did the wrong thing
Me: hang on, you bugged me for this morning tea, it's a treat, and I said it's ok today.
Sam: well at school we have fruit break then lunch then treat time. So treat time isn't in the morning ok *mutters to himself 'oh this is good. I picked the right one' and marches his licked clean plate to the sink*

Sam: I really love you mummy. And I miss daddy. I really love daddy. Maybe more than you. But I really love you and daddy. Maybe you more. Actually maybe the same

Me: what did you do today Sam?
Sam: I dunno, stuff and things and activities...

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Who needs to vote??

Here in QLD we are coming up to a local election and referendum. Fun stuff. Don't we all love to get the candidates fancy flyers in the mail, the automated phone calls, seeing the signs and people randomly standing on the streets supporting their candidate? Does anyone else think about how much that stuff costs?! Surely that money can be better spent elsewhere. One of my pet hates is campaign material that focuses on the opposition. In the mail today I got a flyer that didn't tell me anything at all about anything someone was going to DO, but focuses solely on what the incumbent hasn't done. Take a guess about how much that makes me want to vote for you? What is wrong with a positive campaign? Tell me YOUR plans. I don't care for the sledging and negative campaigning.

Hm, tell me who you are and why I should vote for you again??

My phone started ringing at 9pm last night. 9 FREAKING PM. You know who it was? An automated survey about who I should vote for. Do you know how much that impressed me? Yeah, not at all. 

To top it off, I had to register for a postal ballot as I was going to be away (more on this to come, woo!) on election day. Plans changed and I'll be here now, but I digress. My postal ballot arrived yesterday. I put it on the table so that I wouldn't forget to fill it out and return it. I know, I know, I should have just done it then and there, put it in my handbag, and all would be good. But no. I did not do that. Last night before putting my little cherubs to bed I saw my envelope and got that sinking feeling. At first glance it all looked OK, phew. Lets just move that out of reach then. But wait. What's that on the floor? Oh yes, that's the specially printed sealable secret ballot envelope. Oh, and what's this. Do we have mice? Rats? Oh nooo, no no no. I have a Master J. A Mstr J who apparently thinks he's a GOAT and happily refused dinner, and instead nibbled on my ballots as a pre bed snack. Inside the envelope was some ripped up paper. Another ballot. There was NO way I could return these in this condition. I couldn't even seal the envelope.

You know what I got to do on my kid free day? Called the Electoral Commission to find out what the hell I need to do so I can vote. Due to a heavily congested phone line I even got to put my predicament in writing. Yeah, I wish I could see their face when they get that one. Looking forward to the reply...

So next time you get annoyed at having to vote, just think, you could have to tell someone your kid ate your ballot papers....

B x

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Skinnymixers Butter Chicken

A lot has changed since I started my baking blog back in 2012... Added another (and the final!) kid to the family (see the fun with him below), moved from Townsville to Brisbane, and joined the 'thermal cooking revolution'. My machine of choice is currently the Bellini Intelli Kitchen Master, and it has served me very well for over 2.5 years now. It is, however, starting to get past its prime. Luckily a new Bellini is scheduled to be released in May, with a heap more functions, bringing it even closer to the pinnacle, the Thermomix. Personally, I feel slightly sick at the $2000 price tag, particularly when there are alternatives that do the same job.

Anyway, one of the best things about joining the revolution is discovering Skinnymixers. Every recipe is fantastic. Every single one. The maestro Nik has produced 3 recipe books so far (A Little Taste Of India, A Little Taste Of Asia and The Healthy Mix), as well as countless recipes on her website. Tonight's Butter Chicken is made using the A Little Taste Of India recipe, however a variation is available on the website

I highly recommend giving this cult classic a try!

Well hello there!

Goodness me, I've just remembered I had this blog, thanks to Facebook and it's 'on this day' feature. Just when I'm finally getting back into my baking!

I've found an app that I am quite in love with, feel free to check out my recipe box on copy me that. I may just revive this blog to post about my successes and failures, my memory isn't what it used to be!

Have fun baking!
